Rules & Regulations

Rules and Regulations are devised to frame a uniform policy for everyone. These rules, if strictly followed, will enable the management to achieve its goal in the field of Education.

The decision of the school management in every matter would be final, conclusive and binding upon all.



Play Group8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. /8:30 a.m. to 11:30 noon
Junior Montessori & Senior Montessori 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. / 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 noon
Class-I 8:00 a.m. to 01:30 p.m. / 8:00 a.m. to 12:10 p.m.
Class-II-Ill 8:00 a.m. to 01:30 p.m. / 8:00 a.m. to 12:10 p.m.
Class-IV-X 8:00 a.m. to 01:30 p.m. / 8:00 a.m. to 12:10 p.m.

It is compulsory for all students to attend the assembly daily. Parents are responsible for collecting their children promptly after school hours. The School cannot accept responsibility for any child not collected within half an hour after the School ends.

• For boys, low trousers are STRICTLY prohibited. They should have a proper haircut.
• Girls are not allowed to wear short shirts or jewelry in school. Cosmetics are strictly
forbidden. Streaking or dyeing of hair & hair fringe is not permitted. They should sit-up their hair properly, which should be free of nits and lice. Action will be taken against children with untidy uniform / unkempt hair


(a) Rules & Conditions for Payment of Fee:

All kinds of Fee is to be paid at the Bank Only. No fee will be collected at the School.
The School fee must be paid by the due date of every month, thereafter a fine of Rs.25 per day will be charged per month. After validity date, fee voucher will expire and the Bank will not collect the fee. Ensuring the receipt of the fee voucher is the responsibility of parents. Only cash payments will be accepted at the bank. Parents must retain a copy niche paid voucher for future reference. Fee once paid is Non Refundable.

If the fee for one month is unpaid and is not cleared by the due date of the second month along with the dues, the name of the child will be struck off the school roll.

If the parents then want their child to continue, they will have to pay re-admission fee equivalent to one month’s fee and late payment surcharges. Re-admission will be considered in special cases only. Granting re-admission will be solely at the discretion of the school management.

50/- Rs will be charged for Duplicate Fee Voucher.

For S.S.C. Part-l: Board Examination Enrolment & Examination Fee will have to be. deposited at the time of Registration & Examination Form (along with 12 passport size recent photographs).

For S.S.C. Part-11 Board Examination fees will have to be deposited at the time of Examination form, along with 10 recent passport size photographs.

(a) Withdrawal:

For withdrawal during the academic session, the parents! guardian will be required to give one month’s notice in writing or pay one month’s fee in lieu thereof. Students withdrawn on completion of an academic session are liable to pay the fee for the summer vacation. Further, The School Leaving Certificate will be issued on submission of a written application and when all the dues have been cleared.

(b) Expulsion:

A student may be expelled by the Principal! Administrator on account of violating the School Rules, late payment of fees, irregularity, objectionable moral influence & disorderly or unseemly conduct or even without assigning any reason. Misbehavior of the parents, guardians or relatives of the child affects the child’s educational career for which they shall be solely responsible. A student may be expelled due to the parent’s / guardian’s misconduct! misbehavior too.


a) Top priority of the school is character building of the students along with excellence in academics. We are inculcating high values of morality among our students. They are therefore disciplined, well organized and prominently distinguished members of the society.

b) As such a high standard of discipline is maintained throughout the school network and there is no compromise on this issue.

c) Students found involved in any indiscipline activity, in or outside the school may immediately be rusticated/serious action may be taken against them.


a) We develop a feeling of ownership and a sense of responsibility among the students, they are expected Intake care of school building and usual school belongings and equipments very carefully.

b) Any damage to the school property by student haste is compensated by the Parents/Students


Biology, Chemistry and Physics Laboratories

Biology, Chemistry and Physics Laboratories: M2GS have spacious modern science labs for Physics, Chemistry, Biology which comprises of sophisticated, sensitive and fragile equipments and apparatus.